Old web entries migrating to this site
My web sites have previously used blosxom, then OddMuse, then Movable Type, and now finally my own custom solution relying primarily on MultiMarkdown and a few cgi scripts. Between the changes, I have also used two different domain names.
When I started this site, I moved much of my “main” content over, but left behind several hundred pages, some of which contained some marginally interesting/useful information. It was stored in an OddMuse wiki, and I didn’t take much time to think about how to easily move all of the content over, or what to do about forwarding any requests to the old site.
Over the weekend, I wrote a script to convert the old OddMuse page files into MultiMarkdown documents suitable for posting to my new site. I was able to salvage the original creation date (or at least the last modification date) for the posts.
These posts will appear in the archives filed under their original date. I have tagged some of them using my new tag support, but they are all indexed for the similar pages feature. I suspect that will be how any visitors may stumble across them.
Rather than trying to do anything fancy with my old site, however, I will probably pull the plug and put a URL redirect that directs visitors to a landing page here. I don’t think it gets much traffic, and it certainly hasn’t seen any maintenance from me in a long time….
Over time, I hope to continue to refine my content analysis tools and will probably further tag and classify this old content to make it more accessible to others (and myself).