RTF Offer

12/01/2013 21:18:08

It’s no secret that I’m not a big fan of the RTF format. I’m not interested in solving all of the issues that will go into getting quality output from MMD into RTF. But I know that there are others for whom it would be useful.

I have added the bare bones of a framework for producing RTF from MultiMarkdown. It’s nowhere near complete, and it doesn’t work great. But it gets enough of the text into a document to allow you to see what’s going on and begin to add improvements.

The idea is that anyone out there can work on improving the RTF output by contributing to the code. Simply send pull requests via github, and I’ll take a look. If the code looks reasonable, I’ll add it. At this point, I won’t be doing a lot of quality control as to whether the output is “optimal”. I will make sure there’s no malware being snuck in. ;)

So if you’re interested, grab the latest github commit, and check it out. Use the other formats as examples for how to handle certain elements. Include some reasonable default font/size/styling choices. Let’s see what happens.

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