WARNING - Problems with SimplenoteSync

11/22/2009 10:00:49

Over the last few weeks (since some changes were made on the Simplenote server?) I have noticed files going missing from my local machine.

I have emailed the support team, but didn’t get anything helpful back.

I haven’t changed anything locally.

The problem didn’t start until around the time they announced changes on the server backend.

My personal solution was to no longer leave Notational Velocity running all the time. This way, when it launches, it seems to do a better job of noticing the missing files and asking if I want to restore them (and I say YES).

I assumed it was something I had done wrong (though I’m not sure what), and after restoring my files everything seemed fine.

This morning I launched Notational Velocity and was warned of deleted files. It appears that approximately 260 of my 340 files were deleted. I promptly restored them thanks to Notational Velocity, and then I disabled the cron job I use to automatically run SimplenoteSync.pl every 15 minutes.

I don’t know what the problem is. It’s possible that there is a bug in my script, but the timing seems rather coincidental. In any case, until it is resolved, or the direct integration between Simplenote and Notational Velocity occurs, I suggest:

  • Disable any scripts that automatically run SimplenoteSync.pl

  • Make (and maintain) up to date backups of your data (you’re doing this already, right?!?)

  • Quit Notational Velocity before running SimplenoteSync.pl

  • run the SimplenoteSync.pl script manually, and verify the count of items in the folder appears correct before and after syncing

  • re-run Notational Velocity after running SimplenoteSync.pl and look for warnings of any missing files that seem incorrect

I’ll notify you if I learn anything new, but I wanted to try to warn everyone about this potential problem…

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