Additional OPML Support for MMD
When I first started working with MultiMarkdown, I was using OmniOutliner. I created a plug-in for OmniOutliner that would export an outline into a Markdown document. The idea was that it made working with complex documents easy - you could easily move sections around in outline form, and converting the outline to chapters, sections, etc. was trivial.
Then I began using Scrivener, and let my OO work fall by the wayside.
Then I got back into using TextMate, and stopped using Scrivener.
This week’s announcement of the iPad, and Omni’s subsequent announcement that they plan a version of OmniOutliner for the iPad at some point got me thinking about this again.
I wrote a quick perl script that converts a MultiMarkdown plain text file into an OPML file that maintains the overall structure. It moves the metadata (if present) to the end of the file, following the convention I established for my OmniOutliner Markdown export plugin.
So basically, it is now possible to round-trip a document from plain text to OPML (which is easily imported into OmniOutliner or other outliners) and back again.
I have no idea when a version of OmniOutliner for the iPad might become available, but it would be nice to have this ready when it is. And, in any event, it opens up additional options for using MMD with any OPML capable outliner.
Check out more information on MultiMarkdown and OmniOutliner.