MultiMarkdown Composer update
It’s been a couple of months since my last update about the forthcoming MMD editor for the Mac. I had to get MMD 3.2 finished, and had to work out some of the kinks that kept me from being happy with the way the app worked.
I have been using the app for the last few months for almost all of my MultiMarkdown editing. I am admittedly biased (since I wrote it), but Composer is a much better MMD editing experience for me than any other editor I have used. Since it was designed from the ground up around MMD, writing in the MMD syntax feels natural. The syntax highlighting works properly, since it is based on the same parsing rules as MMD itself. I’m happy with it, and the feedback I’ve been getting from my beta testers has been good. With their help, I’ve fixed a great as many bugs as we could find, and I’ve had one crash in the last month or so (which I think I have fixed, but it was not a reproducible problem. and I believe through a stroke of luck I was able to reproduce the cause of the problem today, which will allow me to fix it.)
Composer 1.0 is feature complete. I will continue to make a few tweaks while I am finishing the other necessary steps to release it via the Mac App Store, but I don’t plan any major changes.
MultiMarkdown Composer will be sold by MultiMarkdown Software, LLC. MultiMarkdown itself will remain, of course, open source. I’m waiting to hear back from Apple as soon as they approve the developer account for MultiMarkdown Software, LLC and then I will be able to submit the app for approval.
I’m still tweaking it, but there is now a web site for the company, and the product. There’s a twitter account all set (@MMDSoftware), and all that fun stuff. I’m working on an icon.
Depending on when all of this gets sorted out, I hope to have version 1.0 submitted to Apple within the next 2–4 weeks. Then it’s simply a matter of how long it takes to be approved. Oh, and a small matter of choosing a price….
It’s been exciting working on this project, and I’m glad to have the program so that I can use it. Now, I’m getting excited about the prospects of my first app on the Mac App Store!
PS> I might have started playing around with the iOS developer’s kit last night. An iOS MultiMarkdown app is still just a twinkle in my eye, but at least it should be possible now that MMD has no external dependencies. This will not be something that happens quickly, and will largely depend on the response to the Mac app, and whether it looks like an iOS app would be worth the effort.