Photo Collection
These are some pictures taken with a digital camera that I then spent some time working with on my iBook. I have put some low resolution versions here on the site to share.
They are not brilliant works, but I enjoyed making them. It also helps make the pictures more personal and memorable, rather than simply placing a snapshot in an album.
Charleston Sky

This photo was taken on Christmas day. I was driving home with my brother and had to stop to take a picture of the sky. The colors were beautiful.
For this image, I used a watercolor filter. The full image printed beautifully at 8 x 10 on ink jet photo paper, using ColorSync to manage the colors. It really brought out the depth of the orange and made the blacks look almost like india ink…
Greensboro Sky

I took this photo while driving along a back highway towards Greensboro, NC one afternoon.
This effect looks almost like the glass you commonly find on shower doors, particularly around the rays of sunshine coming through the clouds.
St. Francis Cathedral

This is the St. Francis Cathedral in Santa Fe, NM.
I was quite surprised when I searched the net for a link for the cathedral and discovered that their home page had a similar perspective, though with a more abstract color scheme. Interesting…
Four-Sided Pyramid

This is a picture of a sculpture at the National Gallery of Art entitled Four-Sided Pyramid, by Sol LeWitt. We visited the Scultpure Garden shortly after a major snowstorm, and there was still snow on most of the sculptures. Not to mention all over the Mall….