S5 Slide Show

08/04/2005 17:09:45


Eric Meyer has a great web site related to all things CSS. His demonstrations have certainly helped me push the boundaries of CSS on my old web site (I haven’t gotten around to it on the wiki portion yet.)

Additionally, Eric has created something called S5 - the Simple Standards-based Slide Show System. Basically, it’s a way to create slide shows using nothing more than XHTML, CSS, and Javascript. In theory, they are compatible across all compliant browsers, and built from quite small files making the presentations perfect for web use.

I have an alpha version of a plugin running that allows you to combine Oddmuse and S5.

Check it out:

In other news, Bruce D’Arcus has created an export plugin for OmniOutliner 3.0 that exports an outline to S5 - check it out. You can use the demo of OmniOutliner 3.0 to export your file from OO 2, if you don’t have a registered copy of version 3. Between this, and OO’s ability to import and export Keynote files (I am sure it will be updated to import from Keynote 2), I might register for version 3 anyways. I also write a script to convert OO to LaTeX. This makes OO a great program for doing the bulk of my writing in, and then being able to export the content to a Keynote or S5 slideshow, an S5 handout, or a LaTeX file for printing as a pdf…. Not too shabby.

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